Sunday 10 August 2008

Film: The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor

Crap. That’s what this film was. Starting by the ruined character of the woman, who was nothing like the witty librarian I remembered from other films. Then the son, a spoilt man severely lacking charm and good looks, who I had to imagine stabbing repeatedly in order not to walk out of the cinema. The stupid jokes which fell so short of funny they didn’t even take off. The millions of senseless features which were there only for mindless entertainments (Yetis? Really!?) The film could have passed as a tolerable, summer flick, the kind you sit to watch and not think of anything...but i really wanted to stab the son.
All in all, a big, fat, stinkin’ disappointment.
Vote: 2/10. Because Lola was there to make me laugh. And the Chinese actresses were good at their job. Which was a unique feature in the film.

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