Sunday 10 August 2008

Book: A Spot of Bother (Mark Haddon)

I had already read ‘the curious incident of the dog in the night-time’ by Haddon, loved it, and was not at all disappointed by his next book. About small problem which eat people from the inside out until a family has to hit rock bottom get up again. Tackling major difficulties of life, including insanity, infidelity, love and marriage, I ended up really sorry to finish the book, which hadn’t happened to me in a long while. The thing I really loved about the novel was how found myself loving all the characters despite their flaws, which is a task much easier said than done. Their very humanity and problems was what made me love them and it felt really good to get attached to book-characters again, a feeling differing from the affection towards people on films (maybe because on the big-screen we know that the figures strutting about are real people). All in all I loved the book, loved the message it dealt, and most of all loved that, despite it all, it was a comedy.
A book I would recommend to anyone who likes books about real people with real problems written in a rather unique and wonderful style, with a twist of bitter, humorous lemon.
Vote: 8.4/10

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